Hey! I’m Sam. I’m twenty nine. I teach yoga. I started a
blog some time ago to distract my parents from the fact that I hastily quit my
job in fashion, convinced I was the next Carrie Bradshaw, and then neglected it
– as I do most things. So here we are. Once an outlet for an angsty brat, this blog
was kinda important to me. But alas life moves fast (shout out ferris bueller),
and things get lost. Two years after my last post, shit’s
fucked up and I wanna talk about it.
To be honest, it depends how many glasses of wine I guzzle (and if I
even remember my blogspot password), as to whether or not this is posted… but
let’s open a bottle of sauv blanc and find out.
I’ve voted for Hillary Clinton twice. Once in a primary
against Barack Obama, and once as President of the United States. Because she
is more than qualified. Because she is competent. Because she has experience.
Because her husband plays a mean sax. Having proudly cast my vote for Obama
twice, I was more than happy to stand with her in this most recent election
cycle. Because she is more than qualified. Because she is competent. Because
she has experience. Because her husband plays a mean sax (pours second glass).
Living in California, on election night, I felt played. I
remember driving home from my last class listening to the radio in disbelief.
I taught at 6:30am the next morning, unable to separate my own personal
feelings from my job. I couldn’t fathom this reality. And to be honest, I still
can’t. In a slew of facebook status's, I’ve voiced my outrage. I’ve asked for
understanding. I’ve tried to make jokes. And I was reprimanded by my mother for
swearing. So in an attempt to piece my own shit together, here goes.
I have questions. If you voted for Trump, do you have kids?
More importantly, do you have a daughter? Is your pussy up for grabs? Is her pussy up for grabs? What will
you tell her when you were a part of diminishing her basic human rights?
Honestly. I understand money may have been a part of your vote, but what will
you say when her rights to her own body are out of her control? What will you
say when she asks you why? Why, when you had an opportunity to support her, and
her future, you chose to vote with your pocket book instead. Why your wealth
was more important than she is. Why she is less than (INSERT ANYTHING ELSE). If
you have kids, what kind of planet, kind of environment, are you planning on
leaving them? One where climate change was made up by the Chinese? One where
WATER is a luxury? One where clean water is a privilege? A country where
healthcare isn’t a priority? Where education is a joke? I think that’s what
stings most for me, as a daughter of a school teacher. When you support an
administration that appoints someone as incompetent as Betsy DeVos, I can’t
help but feel insulted. It’s like an abusive relationship. Cut education so no
one knows how poorly they’re being treated, or the alternative facts they’re
being fed. You take away all of our tools to fight back. So seriously, tell me – a
woman with a preexisting condition, who drinks water and went to public school
– why you voted as you did, because I need to know.
Did you vote for Trump because of Hillary’s emails?
Justifying that is as comparable to switching to Samsung because the iPhone no
longer has a headphone jack. THE SAMSUNG LITERALLY EXPLODES but heaven forbid,
you buy an attachment for your aux cord. Did you vote for Trump because he
promised to “drain the swamp” and you believed him? How’s that working out for
you? Or did you vote for Trump because underneath it all, you’re a racist insecure
misogynistic bigot with a god complex and no real understanding of politics or
the world? (pours third glass).
So congratulations, the asshat you voted for won. Are you
happy? Was 1984 a really good year for you? UCLA won the Rose Bowl, and Footloose
knocked off Thriller for top album after 37 weeks. Ronald Regan instated the
global gag rule, dictating how money should be spent on “family planning.” I
wasn’t born yet, but apparently it was rad enough for Trump prioritize it
numero uno on his list of executive orders. As were things like travel bans on
countries that have shown no threats to security, a refusal of refugees, a
complete dismissal of such a basic right as water, and a threat against current
trade agreements. But these were all things that you wanted, right?
I won’t stand for this, I won’t. I won’t sit back and watch
a president send empty and DANGEROUS threats via twitter, I won’t. I won’t
stand for a president who places blame. I won’t stand for a president with zero
human decency, who will grab my pussy without even asking. Who will alienate,
and divide. Who will take us back in time. WHO WILL COMB OVER HIS HAIR AND
SPRAY TAN HIS SKIN LIKE IT’S NO BIG DEAL? No, I’m sorry. I won’t. I can’t.
This man used the election as a pissing contest, and in the
process exposed the most disgusting and hateful underbelly of our country. That
is what got him elected. And at the end of the day, THAT is what I’m most upset
at. That I was so naive to believe we were beyond racism and sexism. We’ve got a long fight to look forward to, and I am SO fired up on
Mexican avocados I've onlt begun.
We need to STAND UP for each other. When YOU do better, I do
better. There is no scarcity of well being here. Yes, Trump is Our President
Elect, but that does not mean we stop fighting. He WILL NOT speak for me. And I
will not be silenced.
(pours final glass and clicks publish).
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