
Anything But Clothes: Christmas

One of my favorite things about the holidays are the parties. Parties in general are always super fun, but holiday parties are even better. They’re always so festive and joyous, and any excuse to be in costume is reason enough for me to celebrate. Anyone who’s attended college, visited a friend in college, crashed a college party or maybe even attended a rather advanced high school is most likely familiar with the concept of an Anything But Clothes party. It’s where you wear, well, anything but clothes. Think trash bags. Bed sheets. Tin foil. Caution tape. Basically, any household item you can attach to your body as not to be arrested for indecent exposure. My friend Page puts a red and green twist on this old tried and true, hosting an annual Anything But Clothes: Christmas party. Think wrapping paper. Tree skirts. Gift wrapped boxes. Page has been hosting this shindig for the past six years, and I’ve been fortunate enough to attend the last two. It’s quickly becoming one of my favorite holiday traditions.

On the right, that's Page our host, Ian, Joyce, and yours truly. 

The costumes are some of the most creative I’ve seen, so it’s tough to come up with something ABC worthy. Last year, I covered a black men’s tank top entirely in multi colored gift bows. Inspired by a halo headband I found in the $1 section at Target, this year I made a dress out of gold star garland and that fluffy white stuff people put under their trees and on their manger scenes similar to the batting you'd use to reupholster a chair, thus becoming a snow angel. My friend Ian really outdid himself in suit complete with bubblewrap pants, trash bag t-shirt, blazer made from wrapping paper and a ribbon bowtie. Kaetlin opted out of a costume, so we tied a bow to the top of her head. But she did wear a giant gift bag as a dress last year, so I think she earned a pass. The party was a complete success. While at the party, Ian found a du rag to top off his costume, a du- rag no one remembered until we saw it in pictures, and half of my costume came off in the cab on the way there. You win some, you lose some.

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