
Mid Twenties.

This is me. I think I'm eight? Have you ever seen a happier birthday girl? Or what appears to be an American themed birthday party, for that matter? Well I'll have you know that the theme of this party was The Olympic Games, and the best part about it is that this was in fact my little sister's birthday party. Yes, those are candles in my cupcake. And yes, I was that obnoxious of an older sister growing up. 

This time last year, my roommate was picking me up from LAX. Fresh from a pool party - still in a swimsuit and cut off shorts, with tangled hair and sunglasses on my head - my maid of honor Jaclyn and I had just flown back from Las Vegas. Because that’s what you do when you turn twentyfour. You have a bachelorette party in vegas. Things like that are okay in your early twenties. But you guys, an entire year has passed since that day and in a few short hours I will be turning twentyfive. A quarter of a century. No longer in my early twenties, twentyfive is straight mid twenties. Like no joke. After tomorrow, I will be closer to thirty than I am to twenty and that makes me want to cry. And then apply a wrinkle serum around my eyes to prevent crows feet and talk about the importance of sunscreen and how much cheaper gas prices were back in my day and I DON’T KNOW ISNT THAT WHAT YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN YOU’RE OLD OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT? I’m sorry. This is all very new to me, this whole mid twenties thing. And if you couldn’t tell, I’m kind of freaking out about it. I experience a twinge of this every year and usually it’s remedied by a fabulous celebration and a killer pair of shoes. But I don’t know about this one, you guys. Twentyfive has a certain sting to it.

It’s not like I’m upset about growing older. I’m thrilled about growing older.  Being old is cool. You can do whatever you want when you’re old. You could eat Oreo’s and chocolate milk for breakfast if you wanted to. Because you’re old and you can make your own decisions and all that stuff. But you guys, that’s the problem. I ate Oreo’s and chocolate milk for breakfast. And I just don’t know if that kind of behavior flies when you’re in your mid twenties. Early twenties, sure. But mid twenties, not so much. I think that’s what freaks me about this birthday so much – not necessarily the age, but what goes with it. Growing up, this age felt ancient. But also growing up, I told my mom I wanted to work at Victoria’s Secret so I could wear a black pantsuit everyday, (because obviously that is only profession that wears such attire?) so maybe my opinions as a child should be null. You guys, people are married at this age. People have babies at this age, on purpose. And that is crazy to me. So I think I’m going to start with a wrinkle serum. That seems more my speed. And it doesn't cry or require me to change a diaper. And besides, what says welcome to your mid twenties more than an anti aging skin care regimen? Nothing. Nothing is more welcoming than an anti aging skin care regimen.


Book Club: Hunger Games

Okay, so I’m jumping on the trendy bandwagon. This should come as no surprise as most of my life is spent riding the trendy bandwagon, so I have a question to ask you - are you Team Peeta? Or Team Gale? This is serious. You guys. Hunger Games has completely taken over my life and there is nothing I can do about it. And I don’t think I even would do anything if I could.  It’s that bad. Obviously I had been ignoring others’ suggestions to read the series for quite some time, opting instead for such classics as Skinny Bitch and the spring issues of InStyle and Vanity Fair. But the second I heard the trilogy was hitting theatres, you can guarantee a copy was in my hands faster than you can say OMFG LIAM HEMSWORTH.

If you haven’t read the book or seen the movie, please reevaluate your life choices and our friendship in particular read no further, as I would hate to ruin any surprises. But seriously, why haven’t you read it? Lenny Kravitz is in it. He even read it and, correct me if I’m wrong, he doesn’t seem like the reading type. For those of you who have, holy cow is it incredible or what? What district are you in? This is of course assuming you’ve visited the official Panem website and identified yourself. Which is super nerdy and I’m not saying I have or anything like that. But if I did, I’d be a Trawler from District 4 and I may or may not receive personal emails from President Snow. Just saying.

My sister says I have a problem. All because I compare my dire need for an iced coffee to the severe dehydration experienced in the games. And I liken momentary hearing loss to my ear drums being blown out by land mines. And obviously the side braid is now referred to as the Katniss. And I now measure love by whether or not I would volunteer myself as tribute. And for my sister, my little Primrose, the answer is of course a resounding YES. I don’t see anything wrong with this. It’s not like I’m obsessing over glittery skinned vampires or whatever. But seriously you guys. Team Peeta or Team Gale? Just when I think my heart belongs to the strong and silent Gale, Peeta will do or say something so romantic my heart melts. Then I’ll be reminded of Liam Hemsworth and I’m back at square one. And then reality will set in as I realize these are fictional characters we’re talking about here and question whether or not my sister was on to something. In related news, I was up until 4:30 reading Catching Fire, the second installment in the trilogy and I may be delirious from lack of sleep.  The odds are definitely not in my favor today. 

If I did visit the official website, and if I was an official citizen of Panem, this would be my identification pass. Key word is if.